LASPO Four Years On

LASPO Four Years On

It's four years since the implementation of the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 (LASPO), which overnight rendered hundreds of thousands of people ineligible for legal aid. The Law Society has conducted a review of the changes introduced by the act, the findings of which it has published ahead of the government's own review of the act.

The Law Society's review focuses on a number of issues, including the impact on children, the removal of legal aid for early advice, and the knock-on effect on public spending. The review concludes that:

  • Legal aid is no longer available for many of those who need it
  • Those eligible for legal aid find it hard to access it
  • Wide gaps in provision are not being addressed
  • LASPO has had a wider and detrimental impact on the state and society

The full report can be downloaded here.